Saturday, June 4, 2011

"Love Your Enemies...Because It Really Gets On Their Nerves!!!"

I admonish you to love your enemies in the work place...because it really does get on their nerves! Come on, work with me people! Why are you wasting your time getting angry at that person at work who is getting on your last baby nerve? Instead of getting angry why don't you get even and then kill them with kindness? I mean be so very nice to them that they have to re-evaluate their mo!!!
Surprise them by showing them that you can take the high road!!! Show them that you are a Christian and that you are not a hypocrite! You can do this!!!
God was not kidding when he commanded us to love our neighbors that would definitely include our co-workers, of course!!!
Love Your Enemies in The Work Place...It Really does Get On Their Nerves!!!

"All Comments Are Welcomed!!!"

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I admonish you to pray at work! I admonish you to pray when you enter the doors of your institution. I admonish you to pray during work and I admonish you to pray during the day and as you leave work! You can certainly change the day for the better by asking God to go before you and stay with you during the course of your work day!
God is a mighty good God and He wants you to have a good day! He Loves You! Satan on the other hand has a different idea about you and your job! The more Drama he can cause the more Drama he will cause! Make it a No Drama Day by praying! Believe me, a little less drama will improve your day a thousand fold!!!
Pray Without Ceasing!!!
May God Bless and Keep You!!!
All Comments Are Welcomed!!!

"Happy Mother's Day!!!" :-) !

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil!"

I admonish you to see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil when you are in your work environment! You know as well as I know that that evil is in the work environment!!! It is our job to first to see no evil! You must not be a willing participant! You have to take the high road!
I admonish you to hear no evil! Let's face it you hear the untrue, distasteful gossip about your co-workers and let's face it you really do have a choice! Let me help you out..."Step away from the gossipers!" Don't do it! It only takes you off of the high road!
I can not admonish you enough to help you realize that you have to control what falls out of your mouth! Control your tongue! The Bible says that the power of life and death is in the tongue! Trust me evil words can be devastating to others. Watch your tongue!!! It can be sharper than a sword!
Therefore, I admonish you no see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil! You can improve your work place environment...I person at a time!!!
All Comments Are Welcomed

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Look Into The Windows!!!"

Do you ever look into the windows of your co-workers souls? Come on work with me people...You know what I am talking about! When you are talking to your co-workers do you look into their eyes, because their eyes do not lie!!!
Your co-worker could be saying one thing and their eyes could be saying something totally different! It is so important to have a spirit of advice go with the eyes!
So if you engage in any conversation with your co-workers, or anyone...take a long look into the windows of their souls and hear, see, touch, and feel the message you are receiving! Remember the Eyes Do Not Lie!
All Comments Are Welcomed!

The Awesome Book, "Work With Me People !" Coming Soon!